CRM IN THE FRONTLINE Social commitment and innovative technology at the service of Life
Jan 26, 2024
Emergency mask for hospital respirators
What is it about?
It is the Decathlon “Easybreath” mask, commonly used for snorkeling, modified to be used as a real life-saving respirator.
The idea came from Dr. Favero, former head of the Gardone Valtrompia Hospital, who turned to the Isinnova company to put the project into practice.
Isinnova embraced the idea and contacted Decathlon, who immediately made himself available to collaborate by providing the CAD drawing of the Easybreath mask.
This saw the creation of the Easy – COVID19 project: the emergency mask for hospital respirators.
Then it was the turn of the companies, which actually created the valves to convert the mask into a life-saving tool and make it available to healthcare facilities.
Today there are over 500 masks used as respirators.
A concrete help, born from the commitment of extraordinary people.
As soon as it became aware of the Easy - COVID19 project, the company made itself available and made its immediate contribution.Thanks to the use of its own professional 3D printers with FDM (Fusion Deposit Material) technology, it was able to create the valve fitting, that is the piece designed to modify the Decathlon Easybreath mask and convert it into an oxygen respirator.
CRM has thus printed and donated 12 connection valves, which are now available for the Parma hospital.
It took 72h to accomplish the 12 miracles, but above all the commitment of a virtuous company close to the community.
An initiative to be proud of, which brings prestige to the whole PE group, of which CRM is part.
In case of need, the company has already made itself available to supply new life-saving valves for the Mantua Hospital, located in the area adjacent to the CRM headquarters (Marmirolo, MN).
The initiative is voluntary and without any commercial or profit-making aim.
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